
Quickstart Guide

Follow these steps to get up and running, and pushing your first firewall policy

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Step 1

Enter your email address and password
Note: MFA disabled for beta testing

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Step 2

Here is the main dashboard. Click on the Claim Device button

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Step 3

If you have a claim key already, skip to Next Step.
If you haven't yet provisioned you firewall, click the copy button manually copy the command and paste into the CLI of your linux server. Look here for how it should look.

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Step 4

Once you have copied your claim key, click the paste button or manually paste into the box.

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Step 5

Success! You have provisioned a firewall and claimed it. This is now in your account!

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Step 6

Click on Devices in the navigation to see the new device, various details and the connected status.
Note: beta users will show Connected immediately without a paid subscription.

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Step 7

This is your new device with all of it's details including network interfaces, IP addresses and routing information.

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Step 8

Click on Target Groups in the navigation and the + symbol to create a new target group.
Devices are associated with a Target Group, and Policies are associated with Target Groups.
This allows you to push the same security policy to multiple firewalls, across multiple cloud providers, in many virtual networks simultaneously.

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Step 9

Click on the edit button on your new Target Group and associate your new firewall (or any existing firewall) by selecting the checkbox, then Update

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Step 10

Select Policy Management from the navigation, and Manage Policy of your new target group

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Step 11

Create your firewall policy in Network Rules!
Click on Advanced Settings to create management rules for access to the firewall itself.

Click on Save & Apply Policy to save the policy then push the target group.
Click on Save Policy to just save the policy as you may which to push it later.

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Step 12

Add a comment to the policy. This could anything - a reference, a comment, sequential number - anything relevant to you and this policy.

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Step 13

Now the policy is being generated and pushed to all of the firewalls in the selected target group.
This may take a few seconds.

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Step 14

Success! You have now push your first filewall policy!

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Step 15

Once traffic is starting to flow through your firewall, logs will appear in the Log Viewer. This is a live/recent view.
Note: beta testers will only see up to 30 mins of logs and up to 1000 log entries.

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Step 16

Once traffic is starting to flow through your firewall, you can monitor the Network Throughput and the CPU utilization in the Devices area. Here you can select the timeframe.

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Step 17

You're done!

Back on the Dashboard, you will a summary of all your firewalls, the status, and see all of the recent policies applied to each target group.